Today I’m in an even jollier mood than normal …. because it’s my BIRTHDAY!
I decided to start my day off with lots of fun by doing a live Periscope … all about the key things that I wish I knew when I started my business 8 years ago!
It was ace (even if I do say so myself), as there was lots of questions, insights & hearts being shared!
There was so much lessons in there – warts & all – that I decided it would be selfish, if I didn’t share it with you!
So tune in below now …..
There were over 14 key lessons & ‘wishes’ that I shared, including:
- You v.s. Customers
- Being precious or getting results
- Do original ideas matter?
- Will you ever stop learning?
- ‘I’ll be happy when …..’
- Why you want to make lots of mistakes!
- How knowing my Wealth Dynamics & Talent Dynamics profile has helped me massively!
- When is a ‘sale’ as sale?
- Why does consistency matter?
- How long it really takes!
- What to do when you feel like giving up.
- Some things can’t be planned for.
- Who’s opinion really counts?
- You’ll love it & hate it!
It’s really a bumper filled ‘training’ in there, so definitely grab a cup of tea, coffee, green juice or whatever takes your fancy … some paper & pen …. and enjoy!
I’m loving Periscope, as it’s so much more fun when you’re interacting in real-time. If you haven’t already, download the Periscope App (available for Apple & Android devices) & be sure to follow me: @osmaan_sharif
You’ll then be able to join the ‘party’ at the time & of course ask questions.
Definitely share with me in the comments below, what your biggest insights are & what you’re going to do with them!
Right, I’m off to eat more birthday cake & celebrate!
Speak soon