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At one point back in the ‘olden days’, you used to live without a mobile phone. Yes … really!
It’s scary to think how we survived without one. Did we seriously need to rely on an ‘earth phone’ or a payphone. (Part of me wishes we could back to those days in a way …. oh to be disconnected & distraction-free).
I’m sure you’ll remember that exciting feeling when you unboxed your first ever mobile phone & thought … ‘WOW what a fantastic piece of technology!’. Mine was the cool & slick Nokia ‘banana’ phone.
Is that the same phone you’re using today? (I’d bet you a Starbucks latte that it’s not!)
And when you think about it now, does that phone seem like a ‘brick’ or ancient relic, compared to the one you’re carrying around with you today?
I’ve honestly lost count of how many different mobile phones I’ve had. Each time it’s been an upgrade & better than the last.
So what’s this got to do with you & your business?
In today’s podcast episode, I’ll share with you how you can ‘Get Out Your Way’ when it comes to growing you & your business …. when you think & operate your business as if it is a series of versions … which you’ll upgrade along the way.
- It’ll stop you from thinking everything has to be ‘perfect’ right now.
- It’ll mean you avoid over complicating things & instead get out there to make real results happen.
- It’ll help you continue to evolve & create things that your mind can’t even contemplate or imagine to be possible YET.
- It’ll mean you can increase the overall lifetime value for your customers & your business.
- It’ll mean you can get that ‘new phone’ excitement again & again as time goes by.
- But in all seriousness … it’ll help you to focus on what’s important in the here & now … the time & place where things really count.
So enjoy tuning into this podcast episode, where I’ll bring this to life even more & share lots of practical tips & techniques to help you upgrade things.
And perhaps this will be just what you need to hear to help you realise that today could be the perfect day for you to upgrade to YOUR next version for your life & business. That could be your version 2.0 or even your version 45.0 🙂
Here’s the links & resources for this episode:
Enjoy & as always let me know what you’re biggest takeaways are from this episode by dropping a comment below.
Best wishes
P.s. – how many versions of the iPhone do you think there have been to date? I’ll share it with you on the podcast & the answer may totally surprise you … like it did to me!