What were you doing 8 years ago?
Is it similar or very different to what you’re doing today?
It’s been over 8 years now since I left my corporate job to start my own business & the time has flown!
The biggest thing that’s happened over those past 8 years for me is CHANGE!
Change can be scary … I know that first hand BUT it can also be exciting … if you let it be!
Last week, Apple celebrated the 8 year anniversary of the iPhone! Over that time there has been 10 major versions of it.
Each time it gets more refined, updated, more innovative & even sometimes radically different (the shape/size).
If Apple waited though for this current version before releasing it … well it would never have happened! They were happy to release their ‘best version’ each time & then keep on growing it from there!
So do yourself a favour & stop trying to make everything perfect right now!
Just take it step by step, as I guarantee you things will change along the way … based upon what you experience, learn & want to do!
For me, there’s been massive changes from what I was doing.
I started off my business 100% focused upon training NLP Practitioner courses up & down the country, as well as doing lots of workshops in the corporate world!
But now, I spend most of my time helping people who are currently in or have recently left a traditional or corporate career, to start & grow their own business … by embracing their inner Entrepreneur & playing to their talents!
Yes NLP is still infused in everything I do, as well as so many other powerful tools, like Wealth & Talent Dynamics & also my experience from being out there growing my own business & helping others to do the same!
Plus there is even more positive changes coming up in the world of Rapid Transformation … watch this space!
You may have seen from my last few videos and over on the Facebook page, that I had the pleasure of spending that last couple of weeks in Spain & Portugal meeting & working with some amazing people!

I was speaking to my friend Graeme the other day & he asked, ‘Did you expect that this is what you would be doing back when you left the bank?’.
Nope … not at all!
That’s the point … you can’t figure it all out from where you currently are!
You need to be in motion & evolve things as you go!
Have fun taking the next ONE step that will help you move things forward in your business & life.
Best wishes.