When it comes to setting your GOALS – have you got your WHY clear?
One of the key things to really make sure your goals become REAL – is to spend time to think about your ‘WHY’ behind them!
It’ll help inspire the design of your goals and also make sure that you keep on going – even if challenges or obstacles come up.
Click ‘play’ on the audio podcast below to hear more about WHY it’s important to know your WHY! It’s only 4 minutes & 33 seconds short – so why not?
When it comes to setting your GOALS – have you got your WHY clear?
One of the key things to really make sure your goals become REAL – is to spend time to think about your ‘WHY’ behind them!
It’ll help inspire the design of your goals and also make sure that you keep on going – even if challenges or obstacles come up.
Click ‘play’ on the audio podcast below to hear more about WHY it’s important to know your WHY! It’s only 4 minutes & 33 seconds short – so why not?
Another way to think about your WHY is …
- What’s your REASON?
- What’s your PURPOSE?
- What’s your INTENTION?
- What’s the POINT?
From my experience of working with hundreds of coaching clients, when you get behind the goal – it’s often been driven by something totally different from what you may actually think!
But when you get tuned into your WHY – it can stop you from getting stuck, sidetracked or even caught up in lots of ‘analysis paralysis’ because instead you can hook back into the motivation that is driving it.
In a way, you could think about your WHY as being like the petrol/gas that’s in your engine. Without it – your car is just a fancy-shaped piece of metal with a thing called an engine – that won’t actually get your anywhere.
“The purpose of life is a life of purpose.”
Robert Bryne
Your WHY needs to be big enough, so that it gives you the motivation & keeps you hungry for your goal.
So instead of jumping with both feet in & getting focused on HOW you’re going to get MORE, BETTER or DIFFERENT from your career, job or business ….. go back a couple of steps and ask yourself – WHY?
And after you get the answer – then ask yourself …. WHY? and then WHY? and then WHY?
This will help you get to see things from a bigger picture and also from different perspectives too!
Only after this, would you want to then focus on getting clarity on WHAT exactly you want to achieve; WHO can help you/who you want to help; WHEN & WHERE do you want it and then (and only then) get ideas on HOW you can take action to make it happen!
In the interest of sharing, here are a few of my ‘WHYs’ for what gets me motivated to do what I do here at Rapid Transformation for you.
- I believe that everyone (yes that includes YOU) deserves to LOVE what they choose to do for ‘work’ & that it plays to your strengths & talents!
- People can be their own worst enemies because we aren’t taught how our minds/brains really work, so you could be sabotaging your success without even realise that you are! That’s why I love coaching & training, so I can share powerful tools from Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) & Talent Dynamics (to name just a few!)
- Personally, it helps keep me on my toes – as I’m constantly excited to learn, grow & develop more – so I can pass that onto you too. I passionately know that I’m in the right field of learning & development, so I do really LOVE what I do!
- Of course, it also enables me to develop the business so I can provide in every way that I can for my family, whilst making a difference to YOU & providing real long-lasting value!
So what is your WHY?
Take some time out today to focus upon the goals that you’re designing so you can get MORE, BETTER or DIFFERENT from your working life.
For you, it may be … a new promotion so you can continue to climb up the corporate ladder; or branching out to the world of being your own boss; or if you’re currently your own boss then growing & ramping up your business results more rapidly!
As always, I’d love to hear from you, so please do share your WHYs and any other insights you’ve gotten, by dropping a few words in the comment section below.
I look forward to sharing even more ways for you to create a Rapid Transformation next time.
Have an outstanding day.

p.s. – please also help me spread the word, so that your friends, family & colleagues can also LOVE what they do even more by uncovering their WHYs! All you need to do is click on the sharing links below to pass on this blog & podcast through Facebook; Twitter; Google+; LinkedIn; Pintrest or good ole’ fashion e-mail.
So go on …. share what some of your WHYs are & the key insights you got from this podcast & article.