Mirror Mirror on the wall …. tell me what my top qualities are!
(Yep that can be quite hard – so here’s an easier way to discover them)
Take a short few minutes to listen to a simple strategy that you can put into action straight away!
Last week I was down in London at the first ever Trust Conference hosted by Talent Dynamics. It was an amazing event, where they had a number of fantastic speakers, including Michelle Clarke, Roger James Hamilton, Shaa Wasmund, Daniel Priestley & Stephen M.R. Covey.
To sum it up, it was all about helping you to see how you could increase the levels of trust that you have with yourself & others – whilst also increasing the level of trust that others have in you!
A key way to earn TRUST is if you’re getting great results and the best way to do that … is to make sure you’re using your personal talents & strengths effectively.
That’s why whenever I coach any clients who are looking to get MORE, BETTER or DIFFERENT for their jobs, career or business, I strongly recommend they complete the Talent Dynamics Profiling test – to see which of the 8 profiles they are more connected with. You can then use strategies that get you more into ‘flow’ and natural to you.
“Auditions are being held for you to be yourself.
Apply within.”
Have you ever asked yourself ‘What am I really really really good at?’ or ‘What are my top qualities?’ It can be quite a challenging question to answer for yourself, can’t it?
So instead, why not ask people who can tell you FOR REAL what they have experienced from you?
This is an exercise that I did a few months ago (inspired by the wonderful Marie Forleo), when I went out to a random selection of my previous clients and asked them a simple question.
‘What would you say are my top 3 qualities having worked with me?’
It was amazing to get lots of replies back with the words that illustrated my qualities from their perspective & through their eyes.
It also let me see patterns & trends amongst them all – so I could really make sure that going forward, I continued to really just be more of ME & let those qualities come out even more!
Some of the words I got back were – authentic; friendly; enthusiastic; genuinely care; practical; inspiring & perceptive.
So today, how about you follow this quick strategy and do the same?
- Simply identify a handful of people that know you well or who you’ve worked with (colleagues; clients; associates; friends & family).
- Send them a text, e-mail, Facebook message, Tweet or LinkedIn message (or another of your preferred communication platforms).
- Ask them something like:
- “I was wondering if you could do me a quick favour please? I’ve been set a great task to complete, which will help me to really take the next step in my job/career/business/goals & I’d really value your input. Can you send me a quick reply with what you feel are my top 3 best qualities having worked with me/known me?’
- When you get the responses back – pull all the words together & start to see if there are any common themes that emerge.
- Then start to explore how you can continue to do even more of the things that match your top qualities in your current and future work!
As always, I’d love to hear what insights you get from taking action from today’s dose of Rapid Transformation.
So please do take a minute to share it with me by putting in a quick comment below. You can even share some of the responses you get back too with us all.
Have a fantastic day.

[…] read this post recently, talking about asking for feedback – it inspired me to do a similar process with some […]
So are you up for completing this fun & insightful task today? Comment below & share your key insights, questions & thoughts ……