Want to help your business to really thrive & not just survive in 2021 & beyond?
Join me for the 6 week Get Out Your Way Accelerator
Want to help your business to really thrive & not just survive in 2021 & beyond?
Join me for the 6 week Get Out Your Way Accelerator
(Starting on Monday 25th January)
Did you really think it would be like this?
You started your business because you already had a track record of success in your professional career & you felt that surely you could have even more success by going out there on your own?
You’ve been taking action, putting in so much time & effort, which has helped you get some results, but you know deep down that things aren’t quite yet working out the way you’d expected & it all feels like incredibly hard work!
Even still, you’re determined to really make a go of it, so your business grows consistently & you can feel proud of taking that leap of faith when you did.
But as time is going by, that little voice in your head is sometimes questioning whether it’s really going to happen in the way you’ve dreamed of & even at those very ‘agghh’ moments … if you made the right decision!
And it’s even more annoying because it seems to be happening much faster & easier for other business owners out there. So why not you ?
Want the good news ? It can also happen for YOU!
But you need to Get Out Your Way!
I’ve seen this happen a lot to ex-corporate professionals like you & me … we start our own businesses but don’t actually fully embrace being the business owner!
Instead we think, feel & act like an EMPLOYEE!
And that’s not going to help you grow YOUR business, is it?
You probably didn’t truly appreciate it before, but some decisions about the business were totally out of your hands when you were an employee … like the overall vision; business goals & strategy.
So no wonder it can often feel like you’re winging it & being reactive instead of proactive in your own business, right?
And when you just follow what other people in your industry are doing (praying that it will also work for you) or keeping being busy doing whatever you can, it can often mean you end up just going around in circles or down the completely wrong path for YOU!
That’s where the confusion & frustration can increase even more … because it’s not like you’re sitting & taking no action … far from it in fact!
Plus the ‘Dementors’ start to creep up on you with niggling feelings of not being good enough anymore; thinking that you’re an imposter & more unsure about what to do next, can then send your motivation & confidence downwards …. adding to the challenge.
But seriously, things can change rapidly for you & it doesn’t need to be this way anymore!
“The Accelerator leaves no stone unturned when it comes to figuring out why we get in our own way.
From self-paced videos explaining every aspect of Design, Mindset and Strategies; to group coaching sessions where along with the other course members you dig deep and explore what might be holding you back and how to overcome it, this programme will blow you away.
It is absolutely brilliant and if you’re on the fence, get out of your way and get on the accelerator!”
Rachel Spencer

You don’t know, what you don’t know!
It’s safe to say I was rather naive when I left my corporate career nearly 14 years ago.
I knew I was a hard worker & so thought it was all going to be rather easy & straightforward, after setting some initial goals.
But looking back, I was still operating like an ’employee’ & kept feeling stuck! And I was seeing other business owners & some clients struggling in the same way.
I slowly realised that ….
Setting goals … isn’t enough!
Being positive … isn’t enough!
Just taking lots of action … isn’t enough!
Those are only part of the puzzle & you need to go much deeper, if you truly want to consistently grow your business!
Enough is enough!
As a Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Master Coach & Trainer, I was getting even more frustrated, because I was seeing clients experience amazing mindset transformations … but then still struggling with getting the business results they wanted. So I knew that there had to be more to it!
That’s when I started doing things differently & figured out that there’s 3 foundations you need to really Get Out Your Way, so you can really grow your own business!
And since then, the Rapid Transformation Formula™ was created & has been the corner-stone of how I guide & coach my business clients to grow their businesses (& also use personally!)
Because seriously without these in place, things will continue to be much harder than they need to be & you’ll always be in reaction mode, instead of truly taking charge & being in control of your business!
You really need all three & here’s why!

1. Design the right business for you!
It’s so easy to jump straight into goal setting, but how do you know what the best Goals are for you to set?
You need to take a step back & really uncover what’s actually important to YOU in your business, because it’s these Values that will drive your motivation & consistent action … without you even realising it!
When you understand your Personality (which I call your ‘Entrepreneurial Superpower’), it will ensure you made the best decisions to design your business model in the best way for you … even if it’s the complete opposite of what other people in your industry are doing.
You get to set the direction for your business, which means you need a strong & compelling Vision.
Once you’re clear on these, then it becomes so much easier to set the right next Goals for you & then go after them in a way that will help you get consistent results … especially when utilise the power of how your mind operates!
“I achieved my 90 day revenue target in 30 days.
Osmaan’s ability to identify mindset blockages and drill down into actually solving the problem has been the best investment I’ve made in my business.
In hindsight, I’ve struggled for years with limiting beliefs about the business world and my true potential.
To have clarity and feel genuinely positive about my future plans is a real shift in the right direction for me, my family and my business.
I am forever grateful, thank you!”
Fionn Patrick

2. You need to ‘Master Your Mindset’!
Your Mindset can either help you or sabotage you! Which would you rather?
That’s why you need to identify what Limiting Beliefs & stories aren’t working for you, so you can change them! (Just how you would do a software upgrade on your phone, you can do something similar to your mind!)
Not to forget your Thinking & Attitudes, these will shape what you do or don’t do, including suffering from the Imposter Syndrome; Comparison-itis & still thinking like an ’employee’ instead of the boss!
Controlling your Feelings is super important & the good news is that they can easily be changed when needed! Because if your feelings on the inside are full of negativity; uncertainty; fear & overwhelm … they can really cause your business & you to de-rail!

“I realised that there were important values that I hadn’t acknowledged yet – which informed very different choices and decisions going forward.
It helped me to ‘clear the deck’ and to re-focus with clarity and purpose.
It also took away a lot of the noise and distraction.
It allowed me to create a blueprint for my business that works for ME.
And in doing so, to feel more grounded, confident and bold in the business I am creating.
The entire experience has detoxed and re-set my business and helped me establish myself as the CEO of my business.
It has been incredibly empowering.
You need to do this Accelerator because it will bring flow to your business.”
Isabelle Griffith
3. Following the best Strategies for you!

Sitting & taking no action, isn’t going to help you to rapidly grow your business. But neither is following the wrong Strategies for YOU!
That’s why truly understanding & embracing your Entrepreneurial Superpower using the Wealth Dynamics profiling system, will help you to follow the Strategies that will be most ‘in flow’ for you. Meaning you can happily say ‘No’ to the things that feel so much harder for you or just wouldn’t be the best use of your time, even if others are doing it in your industry!
Honestly trust me when I say, there’s more than one way to grow your business & when you follow the best way for YOU … it will feel more like magic!
And when you then add supportive Habits, Actions & Productivity into the mix, it means that you can spend your time, energy & focus on the right things for you & your business … instead of just working more hours in the day or night!
Why make life & business harder than it needs to be?
Can you see why it’s essential to get deep into each of these elements, because otherwise you’ll keep going forward & backward!
It’s the reason why even if you’ve been diving straight into learning the latest marketing strategy, it can not get the best results … if it doesn’t fit into your Design or aligned to the best Strategies for you?
Or how your Mindset can even impact your goals you set in your Design & the actions that you follow in your Strategies!
These three elements are so inter-related & influence each other, so by really knowing these it will not only help you now but also when making all future decisions around your business!
Ready to accelerate your results?
I’d love to invite you into the Get Out Your Way Accelerator, so I can be in your corner & really guide you through how to make the Rapid Transformation Formula™ working for you & in your business!
During the 6 weeks, I will share with you my real-life experiences from using it to grow my own business & also through coaching & training small business owner to do that same!
How it will work for you!
The Get Out Your Way Accelerator has been carefully designed & tested to really help your business thrive & not just survive!
We will officially begin your 6 week journey on Monday 25th January 2021.
Here’s a high-level snapshot of what you can look forward to experiencing:

Now let’s dive into the details for you:
Want to be part of it?
If you’re ready to really grow your business in a way that works for you & take control, then I’d love to have you join us for the Get Out Your Way Accelerator.
Through the combination of the online training programme; group coaching calls & the Facebook group, I’ll be sharing with you the core tools, techniques & principles that I use with my coaching clients everyday, but at a fraction of the investment for the 6 weeks.
(To put it into context, the investment for a single Unstuck Coaching session with me is £297 and my coaching packages start from £1997 )
14 Day Money Back Guarantee!
I want this to be an easy decision for you & so will also offer you a 14 day money back guarantee. That means that after diving into the online programme & participating in the first couple of group coaching calls, if it’s not working for you, then you can request your money back.
(You will then lose access to the online course; group coaching calls & Facebook group).
“I feel more positive about finding the right direction for where I go with the business in the future.
I have a better understanding of my own personality & superpower, plus what makes me tick as an individual and finding how to build that into the design of my business, so I can ultimately be more successful & happy in my work.”

What’s the investment for you?
The Get Out Your Way Accelerator has been put through it’s paces already with a successful beta group & clients.
To celebrate the official launch, you can join us for only
£997 (when paid in full) or in 3 monthly payments of £365.
By taking action now, you can get a head start as you will be given access to the online programme shortly upon enrolling. This means that you can work through the ‘Growing on Solid Foundations’ module, ahead of our welcome & launch call.
But will this really make a difference?
I promise that if you play full out during the 6 week Accelerator, you’ll see a positive impact on all three elements of your Design, Mindset & Strategies!
And what will that mean for you & your business in 2021 & beyond?
This is honestly the programme that I wish I went through back nearly 14 years ago, to help me to really step up & start thinking, feeling & acting like the business owners of MY business much sooner!
Remember, what you discover during the Accelerator will help underpin your business in the short term & also help you make the best future decisions too.
I know that as you continue to grow your business, you’ll come across new & ‘better quality’ challenges & opportunities too, where you’ll get to then continue to lean upon the key learnings & insights from this programme to navigate through them.
One of my biggest drivers in what I do is to ensure ex-corporate professional turned business-owners, never look back & regret the choice they made to start their own business.
So give yourself the opportunity to Get Out Your Way, so you can grow your business in a way that will work best for YOU & never look back & think, ‘What if?’
Still got questions?
The Get Out Your Way Accelerator is a group coaching & online course hybrid experience.
That means you’ll have my support & coaching through our weekly group coaching calls & also through the Facebook group.
I would suggest that you truly maximise the opportunities during the calls & inside the group by asking lots of questions.
I get it .. it’s so easy to invest in course & programme, but then not go through them.
That’s why I’ve purposefully made this a 6 week experience, so we have the time & focus to really work through it together.
This course will help you really set the foundations in your business & help you to Get Out Your Way.
I wouldn’t be surprised to hear you tell me that the reason you stopped doing some of those other courses, was because you got stuck & didn’t have your Design, Mindset & Strategies working for you.
The online course component of the Accelerator has been specifically designed to worked through in a flexible approach.
When you start the ‘Growing on Solid Foundations’ module, you will see what parts of the programme would be best for you to focus upon in more detail & what order.
I would always suggest that you can further fine-tune & strengthen each of the elements, even if some of the areas ‘score’ high for you currently.
I’ll guide you through the best way to embark up on the programme during our Welcome & Launch group call.
During the 6 weeks, you will get to work through the Get Out Your Way Online course in your own time & focus upon the elements that need most of your attention.
This means that the length of time needed can vary for everybody.
The programme is very comprehensive & you will get the most from it by actually taking action.
I would recommend that you dedicate at a minimum 3 hours per week to complete the online programme & also then join us for the weekly calls (90 mins)
Even although I work with a lot of ex-corporate turned small business owners, you don’t have to have had that career path.
This programme is based upon a lot of the mindset shifts that are needed when transitioning from when you were more of an employee to being a business owner, whether that was in the corporate world or from a more traditional job.
If you’ve always been a business owner, then I’d ask yourself … do you still think you could improve in the way you think, act & feel, so you take more control & grow your business in the best way for you? If yes, then you’d be welcome to join us.
Of course I want you to think carefully about joining the Accelerator & only come on board if you’re seriously ready to take action.
To help put your mind at ease though about stepping up, you have a 14 day money back guarantee. This means that after diving into the online programme & the participating in the first couple of group coaching calls, if it’s not working for you, then you can request your money back.
(You will then lose access to the online course; group coaching calls & Facebook group).
If you’ve still got a question or want to ask me something specific about the Accelerator, please book in for a free 15 minute Virtual Cuppa here.
Alternatively drop me an email to osmaan@rapidtransformation.co.uk

“My business feels much more in my flow now that I understand the blockages that I had, where these came from and how I move forward in a way that feels more ‘me’.
The combination of the online course & group coaching, was the perfect way for me to re-discover a passion for my business and learn tools and techniques to help me to grow it even more, with more control now.
I’m excited about the future of my business again!”
Mhairi Methvan
“Working with Osmaan has revolutionised my business.
Why? Because he guided me to make better choices and get out of my own way.
Without Osmaan’s guidance and coaching I could have missed out on the biggest, most lucrative shift in my business I’ve ever experienced and for that reason I’ll be eternally grateful.”
Jenny Plant