You’ll Never Be Ready

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I just need to wait for _________.

I’ll do it when _________.

Once I’ve finished ________ then I’ll be ready to ________.


You’re never going to be truly ready … seriously!


I’ve lost count of the amount of times I’ve heard ….. ‘I wish I just did it sooner’, is from business owners & entrepreneurs over the past 11 years.


But guess what? I’ve yet to hear anyone say … “Right Osmaan … I’m 100% ready now.”


Because all of those ‘reasons’ that are going through your mind or coming out of your mouth, can just be excuses that are holding you back or keep you inside your comfort zone. And we don’t want that now, do we?


That’s why in this week’s podcast episode, I dive into this much deeper & share 11 rapid & practical tips on how to Get Out Your Way, so you can just get on with it now.


Here’s a sneaky peek:

  • Would you rather perfection & polished or results?
  • How to overcome the ‘What If’ FEAR?
  • What happens when you focus value instead.
  • Doing vs Thinking.
  • Be careful of toxic goals.
  • Are you procrastinating on the tasks that really matter anyway?
  • How your entrepreneurial superpower can help you figure out what best ways to take action.
  • The power of being bold.
  • Enjoy the iterations & evolutions.
  • Who can you role model that will help you get on with it now.


So what is it that you’re procrastinating waiting for until your ready?

Making those calls; speaking to that person; launching your next product or service; being bold enough to take that next step; putting yourself out there more; launching that website FINALLY, increasing your prices …. ?


Be sure to tune in & then drop a quick comment below to let me know which of the tips was the one YOU needed to hear today!

Here’s the links & resources for this episode:
* Take the FREE Business Growth Blocks Quiz here:
* Find out what your Entrepreneurial Superpower by taking the Wealth Dynamics test.
business coach

P.S. – Join me over on our FREE Facebook Group for even more tips & strategies for you to Get Out Your Way ….

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