Did you know that during the launch of a space shuttle or rocket, 90% of the energy and fuel is used during the initial take off …. when it’s zooming through the earth’s atmosphere and pushing against gravity.
But after this period, it becomes effortless, easier & overall less energy-consuming!
I was blown away by that stat when I read about it in ‘The Compound Effect” by Darren Hardy!
Because this really mirrors what we all go through, at the start of a new project, goal or business!
You know …. the ‘make or break’ time!
When you’ve got that little voice in your head quietly whispering (or shouting) ….
‘What am I doing?!?!’;
‘Why am I bothering with this?’;
‘Aggghhh I thought it would be easier’
‘Is it every going to happen?’
….. but it is here when the momentum begins!
“The most important thing you can do to achieve your goals is to make sure that as soon as you set them, you immediately begin to create momentum.”
Anthony Robbins
You can see this in other every day situations too, such as when you are cooking a culinary masterpiece.
It’s the peeling; chopping; preparing of all the ingredients that takes the time and effort (and leads to most of the mess around the kitchen in my case!)
Once you’ve got it all in the pot cooking away, you can watch it bubble away (while keeping an eye on it & stirring it occasionally of course).
So think about this in relation to any of your goals and where you are in business just now.
Really embrace and enjoy the early stages of it, even when at times it can seem challenging (or scary) and continue to learn from what you’re doing and keep on moving forward!
The worst thing would be to pull back, take your foot off the accelerator or lose your determination, just before you get to that critical point, wouldn’t it?
Enjoy the rest of your day and week, whilst keeping on blasting upwards and onwards in every way.

Thanks . A great reminder !